Meet the Finalists!

Get to know our 90-Day Healthy Living Challenge Finalists! These Finalists have been selected because of their incredible success in reaching and surpassing their Healthy Living goals. Each Finalist will have a chance to win the $15,000 grand prize at our 2021 International Convention! 

We caught up with Alexandria Frazer to ask some of our burning questions!

Q. How did you learn about Kyäni? 

My husband became a Business Partner and had been on the products for about a month. He couldn’t stop talking about how much better he felt! 

Q. What was your life like prior to Kyäni?

I didn’t feel “healthy.” I talked about needing a good diet and vitamins but never looked into it. I was always tired and had inconsistent sleep. I just didn’t think about my health. If you would have told me a year ago that I would be a finalist in a challenge like this, I would have thought you were crazy. I wasn’t the athletic type. Very far from it. 

I started taking Kyäni products in January of 2020. I loved how I felt on them, so in March I decided why not try committing to exercising again since I was feeling so good. 

I didn’t clean up my diet and felt frustrated when I wasn’t seeing better results. My husband suggested I try HL5. I did and I started seeing more results.  

When I entered the challenge I had no idea if I could succeed because I was so used to just throwing in the towel. 

Q. What made you decide to commit to Kyäni products?

After deciding to give the products a try, I felt a difference within a few days. I was sleeping better, my gut health was supported, I was just no longer sluggish, and I really really liked how I felt. 

Once I started the HL5, I started seeing a difference in my muscle and I didn’t have muscle soreness during exercise. 

There’s no better way to describe the feeling of being on the products other than just feeling better. Being on such solid products made me want to focus on my health in other areas such as my diet. 

Q. What was the 90-Day Healthy Living Challenge experience like for you?

The 90-Day Challenge was eye-opening – I never thought I could challenge myself in that way. I’ve never been one to consistently follow a diet for too long or to stick with an exercise. I’d always find excuses to quit. When it came to the challenge, I took it month by month and I just focused on not allowing myself to quit this time. I didn’t do an actual “diet.” I cleaned up my eating habits and got my portions in control. I started feeding my body what it needs rather than the junk I was indulging in before. 

The best part to come out of the challenge was the habit we formed with our kids. I wanted to stay active but I didn’t want to miss out on time with the kids when I was exercising so the weekends so we started exercising with them. We visited different trails in our area and went hiking with them every Saturday and Sunday. It really changed us. We didn’t even know all these natural areas existed in our city. The time and memories I made with my family are priceless. I don’t know if those moments would have happened if I hadn’t made the commitment to start living a healthier life. 

Q. Did you reach your 90-Day Healthy Living Challenge goals? 

I did! In the 90 days I realized that if I did commit to myself, I would see the change. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I could have abs!!! I never had a flat stomach, I never felt strong or confident. By the end of the challenge, I felt the best I had ever felt in my life. I felt healthy and ready to take on anything. 

I can’t remember which final picture I submitted with my application, but when I was looking through my 90-Day Challenge album, I saw one of the pictures that I’m flexing my upper body. And I saw the muscles I had worked so hard for. I felt overwhelmed with my accomplishment. I have never felt confident in my body as an adult. And this challenge gave me the motivation to get healthy and find this confidence. 

My goal was surpassed during this challenge. 

Q. What are your best tips and tricks for success during the 90-Day Healthy Living Challenge?

You have to mentally be ready. You can’t jump in without full commitment. 

If you can, find a supportive person to take the challenge with you – it makes a huge difference. 

At one point during my journey, I stopped looking at it as a challenge and thought of it as a quality change that I needed. I did allow myself a cheat meal on the weekends where I didn’t beat myself up if I had some extra fries and giving myself that little reward sure did help! 

Incorporate the challenge into your everyday life. 

Pick exercises you enjoy. I always thought I liked more cardio style exercise. I never thought I’d like lifting weights. I found too much cardio harder to commit to so I tried lifting and I loved it! I was also able to include my kids during the weekends. 

For me, finding a diet that was easy to follow and prepare without having to sacrifice quality was a big help.

Q. What Kyäni products did you use during your 90-Day Healthy Living Challenge? 

I used the Triangle of Health and HL5 throughout the Challenge and I used ON when I really needed a pick me up in the afternoons. 

Q. What did you learn about yourself during the 90-Day Healthy Living Challenge?

I never liked exercise, but that disdain may have been because I wasn’t giving myself the proper chances. I was just exercising but not eating healthy or taking any supplements. 

I learned I had a lot more determination in me than I thought! 

Q. How has your life changed since the 90-Day Healthy Living Challenge?

I have a newfound respect for myself. I’ve had to deal with very difficult experiences in the last few years. A lot of that is mental. This was not only a mental challenge but a physical one too. I learned how to put my health at the top of my list. I can’t cheat myself out of quality food. Since the challenge, my entire family has started eating better and we all feel the difference. 

Q. How do you plan to continue on your Healthy Living journey?

I had to have surgery recently and I had to be off my Kyäni products for a week and I couldn’t believe how different I felt. I couldn’t believe how much better and focused the products made me feel every day. I loved the feeling of being my best self during the challenge and I plan on continuing to do that. If I was able to accomplish so much in just one year, imagine what I could do if I committed to this healthy lifestyle for the rest of my life. It’s an investment that is totally worth it. 

Inspired by Alexandria’s success? Join the 90-Day Healthy Living Challenge today and start your own journey!